☀️Experience the Ultimate All-in-One NSFW/SFW Bot for Unmatched Entertainment 🌹!
🚨!!Features Overview
● Animated Emojis: Use emojis from different servers without requiring Nitro.
● Block Links/Bad Words: Maintain a clean environment by filtering out unwanted content.
● Phone Calls: Enhanced version for better communication between servers.
● New Commands: Enjoy added functionality with recent updates.
● Chat Features: Inter-server communication with no time limits, including visible images and stickers, except for Discord invites.
Welcome/Goodbye setup
● Easy to set up commands to add welcome and goodbye messages with a pretty embed already made for you. You only need to add the links and ids of some channels and it's all done
Commands and Functionalities Emoji and Sticker Usage
🏠 Animated Emojis from Different Servers:
● Use animated emojis from various servers without needing Nitro.
● Use animated emojis from your own server by choosing it from buttons.
Communication Commands
📞 New Communication Commands:
● Contact Bot Owner: Directly send messages or chat with the bot owner for error reports or suggestions.
● Chat with Random Users: Initiate conversations with random users from different servers via the bot you can even send images , emojis or attachments on all call commands.
● Chat with Random Users on dm: Initiate direct messages (DMs) with random users from different servers via the bot you can then private chat with a user through bot’s dm.
NSFW Commands
🔞 NSFW Commands:
● Over 100 NSFW commands including hentai and porngifs.
● NSFW Channel Restriction: These commands can only be used in NSFW channels.
● Games and Interactions: 18+ truth or dare, quizzes, Genshin NSFW, roleplays, memes, stickers, and more.
Relationship Commands
💑 Relationship Management:
● Establish Relationships: Commands to marry, adopt, befriend, or have pets.
● End Relationships: Commands for divorce/breakup, disown, unfriend, or abandon.
● Status Commands: Check relationship status with commands like married/love, adopted, friends/befriended, pet/owned.
Shop and Inventory
🛒 Shop and Inventory Management:
● View Shop: Use +anya shop to view and buy various items.
● Inventory Management: Manage your inventory with +anya inventory/inv.
Earning Cash
💵 Earning and Managing Cash:
● Gambling: Gamble with coinflip, slots, and coinchoose.
● Daily Claims: Use +anya daily/dc for daily cash (first claim awards 50k cash).
● Balance Check: Check your balance with +anya balance/bal.
● Give Cash: Transfer cash to others with +anya give @user amount.
Stealing Cash
💵 Stealing and ProtectingCash:
● Deposit: Deposited cash cannot be stolen since it’s protected in the bank.
● Withdraw: To be able to purchase or use the cash you will need to withdraw it from the bank.
● Bank Balance Check: Check your balance inside the bank with +anya bank.
● Steal Cash: Steal cash from someone (you can only steal from 1 user every 5 hours) and even if you fail to steal you can keep trying till you are able to steal from one user.
Pet Battles
🐾 Pet Battle System:
● Buy Pets: Purchase pets from +anya petshop or special events with +anya specialpetshop.
● Team Creation: Create teams with +anya create team and add pets using +anya add team itemname.
● Pet Battles: Battle other users with your pets for fun and rewards.
● Showcase Pets: Display your pets to others in the server.
Image Editing and Moderation
🎨 Image Editing:
● Edit images with high-quality commands to unlock your creativity.
🛡️ Moderation Features:
● Block Links: Prevent unwanted links from being shared like spam links (Links of gifs and images will not be deleted ) .
● Block Link for a user: You can use command to block a user from sending any links at all .
● Bad Word Filter: Filter out bad words to maintain a positive environment.
● Suspend: To prevent a user from viewing any channels at all unless unsuspended. It will also create a channel named suspended which is the only channel the suspended user can view to chat with moderators .
● Voice Suspend: To prevent a user from viewing any Voice channels at all till unsuspended.
Entertainment Features
🎮 NSFW, SFW, Roleplays, Memes, Stickers, and 18+ Truth or Dares:
● NSFW Games and Commands: Extensive high quality NSFW contents including from some games .
● Roleplays: Engage in both NSFW and SFW roleplays.
● Truth or Dare: Enjoy both normal and 18+ truth or dare challenges.
Getting Started
Bot Prefix: The prefix for all commands is +. For example, to get help, use +anyahelp.